
A 25 year old from the UK who firmly believes that in the right shoes you can do anything and that a good cup of tea cures all! A Newly Qualified Primary Teacher <3
I sort of fell in book blogging after realising mid blog that my best blog posts were about books, so I took a break and revamped Above Average Below Special as a book blog!
Reading has been a lifelong passion since I learnt to read as a child so it was a natural progression for my blog to be book based.
~The Blog~
As I mentioned above my blog started life as a mixed interest blog. It has evolved to a purely book blog focussing on reviews, lists and discussion. I like to mix it up with a few different posts every now and then! I tend to read a mixture of contemporary and dystopia books at the moment but my interests change very quickly!
My favourite posts
Confessions: Film before Book!
Faster We Burn by Chelsea M. Cameron.
What is New Adult? 
Discussion Post: Stand Alones Vs Series

Feel free to email me about anything and everything at aboveaveragebelowspecial@gmail.com 
Tweet me @AABelow_Special
Friend me on Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/AABelow_Special
Or just drop me a comment on any post and I will respond :)

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate every single view!