Thursday, 1 January 2015


Happy New Year!!
2014 was my least successful blogging year but years are full of highs and lows! I had a
great year career wise which unfortunately meant a low year blogging. I am proud of myself for sticking to blogging and this year my focus will be on consistency.

Last Year's Goals.
  • Social Media. This is on-going I was better in 2014 than 2013.
  • Diversity~ I was achieving this up until my blogging slump, I had interviews, discussions, behind the blog, and self challenges.
  • Blog Design- This goal is rolling over as I'm in the final stages!
  • Posts. I didn't reach my goal once even during my good blogging period so I may have been too ambitious.
  • Books. Well.... I didn't even get halfway to 200!
2015 Goals.
My main focus is on consistency so my goals are realistic.
  • Posts. 100 posts is my goal! Roughly 8 a month which I think I can average over the year.
  • Books. I'm aiming for 105 with a special challenge which I will detail in my challenge post.
  • Diversity. My main aim here is consistency, even when I'm in a slump or busy I need to make sure my posts are diverse.
  • Social Media. I need to get back in to tweeting and instagramming regularly!
  • Schedule. I had a good scheduling plan going but I slipped and it disappeared! I have Feb and March in Uni so I want to schedule for April and May.
  • Continuity. No matter how hard or
Fingers crossed I achieve my goals this year!
What are you hoping to achieve this year?
Much Love!

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