Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Behind the Blog: New Rating!

I created my rating system almost a year ago and I definitely feel like it has improved my reviews and made it a lot easy to differentiate between them.
However I do think it's time for a little update and refresh!


4½ Hearts 
~ I love it! It's almost perfect and I keep rereading it over and over!
It's lead me to read similar books or more of the same author.

I often feel like books I've read are more than 4 Hearts but not quite 5 so in comes 4½ hearts!
I definitely feel like 4½ hearts is needed as I always find myself struggling with my ratings, I imagine 4½ will be like an A and 5 like an A*!


2½ Hearts
 I liked aspects of it but something really put me off... 
I rarely use 2 or 2½ as a rating so it makes sense to combine 2 and 2½ into one rating!
I'm looking forward to implementing this new rating!
I'm going to do a mini series of posts on ratings and reviewing etc. just to make my new rating system more open and concise.
Let me know what you think!
Much Love!


  1. I also like to use 4.5 as a rating for the same reason! :) I hope this works better for you.


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