Monday, 26 August 2013

The Monster Reviewathon!

Hosted by Kristen of The Book Monsters!
Goal~To review as many books as you can

I didn't take part in Bout of Books this time round but I did keep up with it and this Reviewathon caught my eye! I always need motivation to sit down and write up a bunch of reviews!
I want to write up as many as my back logged reviews as possible so I can have them all scheduled up for when I'm on holiday and when I go back to work!

  • To write up at least four reviews!
  • To write up two mini reviews!

Please tell me I'm not the only one with a big backlog of reviews!
Wish me Luck!

Much Love!


  1. I love mini reviews! I haven't done one in a while since lately i just have too much to say I guess! Thanks for joining us and I hope you make your goal!

    1. I didn't make my goal- But I will be signing up again next time!
      Thanks for stopping by!


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Thank you for stopping by!