Wednesday 4 March 2015

Missed Books: Part One

This is slightly linked to the Take Control of your TBR challenge as all of these books are potentials reads for this month.
My TBR seems to be full of 2014 releases! I'm going to do a few parts to this mini series and hopefully it will remind me why I brought/requested them in the first place! 

Books I own
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas~ I know I will love this but it seem so intimidating and full of twists sat on my shelf.
Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson~ I couldn't get in to this one but I have hope!
Clariel by Garth Nix~ I haven't read this series in so long I feel like I should reread before I start.....
The Jewel by Amy Ewing~ Just sits on my shelf judging me.....
A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall~ Compared to Rainbow Rowell and quirky!
One Two Three by Elodie Noqodazkij~ I think this one just sunk to the bottom of my on device page and I keep forgetting it's there!
Chasing Ravens by Jessica E. Page~ Sounds good but I'm reluctant to start a new series when I have so many hanging in the air atm...
Gates of Thread and Stone by Lori M. Lee~ I only get approved for this recently and I'm tempted to read it straight away but again a new series...
Unravelling You by Jessica Sorensen~ This wasn't what I initially what I expected and then I realised it would be a series. Jessica's series' always have cliff hangers so that's my excuse!
Tristan:Finding Hope by Jessica Sorensen~ No reason here, I just need to read it!
What should I read first? Any ideas?
Do you have this problem?
Much Love!

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