Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Bloggiesta Wrap Up

I always enjoy Bloggiesta and this weekend I feel I've got a lot of Back of Blog stuff done!
Mini Challenges!
Feed Reader Mini Challenge over at The Picky Girl! 
I loved the pros and cons layout as it made all the readers so easy to understand!
Blogger- I already use and love Blogger as it's so convenient! I hope it doesn't disappear to!
Feedly- I gave it a try! First issue was that I use Internet Explorer and you can't install or use it with IE which is unhelpful. I gave it a second chance and downloaded the app- I do like the layout but it's a bit confusing! I will keep the app for awhile to give it a fair chance but I'm not keen
Bloglovin'- I started using this last week but I definitely explored it more this weekend. I added more blogs, utilised the categories and claimed my blog! I love that it's just a site no installation, I like the design and that you can favourite posts! Definitely my favourite!
(go ahead and Follow my blog with Bloglovin.)
Thanks Jenn!
Get Involved Mini Challenge~ The Book Wheel Blog.
I loved how Allison detailed so many different ways to give back and get involved through books and reading!
Unfortunately they were USA based so I couldn't use them but Allison was kind enough to point me towards a UK site :)
I did managed to 'get involved' though!
I have lots of old books that I've grown out of or had duplicates or didn't need. I really wanted to give them to my local Children's Hospital but they no longer take donations as they have a supplier. However they pointed me in the direction of CLIC Sargent! I drove over there and donated at least 60 books!
I always donate old clothes etc so I loved knowing my books would be given to sick children and continue to be read!
Thanks Allison! 

Review Format.- I want to change it up a little bit! I still like the like/dislike format but I want to alter it a little bit! 
I have decided to reformat my reviews very slightly, adding in a new section which will probably be showcased in April!
Reviews.- I want to write up 4 reviews, draft up my next mini reviews post and draft up Netgalley reviews.

I didn't write up any reviews but I did do a lot of background work. I drafted up all of my blog notes into draft posts with covers, blurbs and notes.
Mini-challenges.- Take part in at least two. Bloglovin.- I've 'claimed' my blog but I want to play around with it a little.
^See above!
Clean Up- Draft posts, email inbox, blogger subscriptions etc.

I reduced my draft posts from 31 to 21! I always have my memes drafted and a upcoming reviews formatted so I will always have draft posts but I cleaned out ones which I'd either changed, decided not to post or duplicated.
Posts- Brainstorm some new ideas, draft up some posts!

I have a few ideas involving films, discussions etc!

How was your Bloggiesta?
Much Love!


  1. Great job Lettie, I'm just visiting the Bloggiesta finish line posts. You got a lot done and glad you found a way to get involved and donate books. Here's my Bloggiesta goals and updates, if you would like to stop by http://momssmallvictories.com/bloggiesta-2013-goals/

    Happy reading!

    1. Thank you!
      I just need to keep it up :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Congrats on completing so much. I picked Bloglovin' as well. And I have to sit down sometime soon to think of more dicsussion posts as well. I feel like my blog always lacked these, though I've written a few recently. :)

    1. Bloglovin' was def my favourite :) I need to get on those discussion posts :)
      Thanks for stopping by!


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