Monday, 4 March 2013

February: A Review

Monthly Feature- rounds up all the books I've read, progress on challenges and reviews my blogging!
It is kind of an expansion (?) of my favourite memes hosted by the lovely Shelia over at Book Journey!
February- the shortest month! I managed to pack in 128 hours of work despite having a 16 hour contract! A trip to London for a close friend's Greek themed Birthday party. A birthday meal for another friend. Lots of pancakes and my very first giveaway but not as much blogging as I had hoped!

February in numbers!
Total posts= 15
Books read= 5
Reviews Posted= 3
New followers= 150+

What I read in February!
Sadly work ate into my reading time :/ 
What I reviewed!
Speechless by Hannah Harrington.- First five star review of 2013!
Lennon's Jinx by Chris Myers. Blog Tour!
Divergent by Veronica Roth.

Once again not as many as I would like!

What I posted!
Stacking The Shelves: February- A month review of which books joined my shelves!
Book Blogger Love-A-Thon! Interview Swap!- Get to know Alyssa from Books Take You Places!
Happy Valentine's Day!- A bit of a different post focusing on TV couples!
For the Love of Swoon Giveaway Hop- First ever giveaway was a success!
February TBR!- New monthly feature which I try to keep updated!
Mini-Bloggiesta Wrap Up!- See how I did1

Challenge Progress
Genre Variety Challenge- 4/12.
New Adult Challenge-10/20.
YA Contemporary Challenge- 1/10.
First Reads- 7/11.
TBR Pile- 1/11-20.
Dystopia- 1/15.

Good progress- Just need to get started on the British Books Challenge!

Did I achieve my goals?
To have a blogging Revival
Partial success- I am still working my way out of my blogging slump!
More Diversity
Success! I hosted my first giveaway and did an unbook related post! I've got a few other ideas planned for March
So close but fell one short!
At least I didn't fall lower than 3....
What I hope to achieve in March!
  • Reviews- I will post at least 4 reviews. Lower target but hopefully I will do more!
  • Posts- Once again 16! I also want to make sure I actually publish all my post ideas.
  • Comments- I keep failing behind with comment replies! I want to stay on top of this!

How was your February?
Any aims for March?
Much Love!


  1. Great job on your challenges & goals. I like the "diversity" of posts idea. I'm trying the same thing this year.

    1. Thank you!
      It's surprisingly hard to stay on top of post 'diversity'!


I always read and reply to every comment and comment back!
Thank you for stopping by!